Iceland Telecom selects WinWAP for Always On / Dynamic ISDN customers |
IcelandTelecom gives the WinWAP browser to their AO/DI customers and thusproviding them with a way of fully utilizing the low bandwidthD-channel of the AO/DI connection. For always-on connections to the Internet, Iceland Telecomoffers its customers a choice of using ADSL in larger towns, GPRS inmobiles or AO/DI; Always On / Dynamic ISDN, which is a nation-wideservice. With AO/DI every ISDN user, wherever he is based, can have apermanent connection to the Internet for a fixed charge through thelow-speed ISDN D-channel and then dynamically use the higher speedB-channels when needed. Over fixed lines, this service effectivelybridges the gap between traditional dial-up and the connections offeredin the higher rate ADSL service. By having a permanent channel to theInternet, ISDN users have the benefit of continuous e-mail, newstickers, Instant Messaging and WAP without the requirement for dial-upevery time the relevant application is used. The low rate channelhandles with ease these applications and WAP is perfectly suited tothis environment. Using WAP over the D-channel gives access instantlyto news, flight and weather information, radio and TV programs andmovie information, Internet search and telephone directory queries.AO/DI only uses the metered, higher rate, channels when needed, whenopening home pages and for file transfer. Therefore, optimum use ismade of the available bandwidth yet keeping cost manageable andoffering around-the-clock Internet connections.WinWAP is a mobile Internet browser (WAP Browser) that is used on yourPC. In effect the browser let's one use the same services as on themobile phone on your PC or Pocket PC. "Iceland Telecom's continuous low rate channel of AO/DI is aperfect example of where the features of WAP can be utilized to theirfull extent" says Mikael Krogius, CEO of Slob-Trot Software Oy Ab, themakers of the WinWAP technology. About Slob-Trot Software Oy AbSlob-Trot Software Oy Ab is a privately owned company that wasfounded in 1995 and has developed software for telecommunications,logistics and freight forwarding. WinWAP was first released late 1999and became popular instantly. The browser is an ongoing developmentproject, and other WAP related software technologies are available. Asthe WAP hype has mostly been focused on the wireless devices Slob-TrotSoftware saw the need for a WAP reader for the Windows platformenabling the user to use WAP services on their desktop, laptop or PDAcomputer regardless if they are connected with a LAN or Wirelessconnection.
Slob-Trot Software Oy Ab / WinWAP
About Siminn - Iceland TelecomIceland Telecom Ldt. was founded in the year of 1906 and is today oneof the most dynamic companies in Iceland. Iceland Telecom provides fulltelecommunication services for residents and corporations in Iceland.It has a wealth of human resources, powerful technology and a diverseservice portfolio. It is on these merits that Iceland Telecom ldt willcontinue to evolve and ensure good returns on the capital deployed inits investments, in the interests of its customers, shareholders,employees and others who benefit from the company's operations. Iceland Telecom fully digitailized its network in 1995, andwas one of the first countries in Europe to do so, and offers a broadrange of modern telecom and data services. The enormous progress thathas taken place in telecommunications over the last few decades andyears has created business opportunities and increased culturalexchanges, bridging the distance between Iceland and the rest of theworld. ISDN is offered countrywide under the Universal ServiceObligation. For further information please visit www.siminn.is
Iceland Telecom |