SDK for sending/receiving SMS messages released

The newest addition to the WinWAP WAP & MMS SDK's is a Software Development Kit for sending and receiving SMS messages.

The WinWAP SMS Client SDK is a programming library that provides developers with a way to send/receive SMS(text) messages from their own software applications. It works by connecting a GPRS modem or real cellular phone to the PC with a serial or USB cable, and then allows you to read/send the SMS messages over the COM port connection using the devices own SMS capabilities. You can also set and change many other properties of the device.

The SMS Client SDK, when combined with our MMS Stack SDK, provides the means for reading the MMS Notification messages from the GPRS modem. A developer can using the methods of the two SDK's get the Notification SMS, decode the Notification and retrieve the MMS message from the telecom operators MMS Center. Naturally the MMS Stack SDK also provides the methods for sending MMS messages.