WinWAP, the WAP browser for Windows available for Pocket PC |
Slob-Trot Software today announces the release of a WirelessApplication
Protocol (WAP) Browser for Pocket PC, based on theirpopular WinWAP
browser for Microsoft Windows. WinWAP for Pocket PClet's people with
Personal Digital Assistants (PDA's) running MicrosoftPocket PC use WAP
services on their devices using dial-up connectionswith their mobile
phone, or using PDA's with built in GSM/GPRS phonesand modems. WAP services are easier and faster to use via wireless connections thenregular HTML web services due to faster loading speeds and easierinterfaces and interactivity of the WAP services. Users will also savemoney since wireless online time is expensive regardless if the userpays for time or by the bit. WAP services are faster to load andsmaller in content size then regular web services. "Everybody on the move that needs to be connected and use corporate orpublic WAP services will quickly see the benefit of using WAP on alarge screen device with an easy to use interface" says Mikael Krogius,CEO of Slob-Trot Software Oy Ab. "The rich supply of WAP services todayenables users to do everything they have traditionally done withregular HTML based services with their WAP browser, while saving timeand money". WinWAP for Pocket PC is a WAP 1.2.1 compliant browser. The userinterface is familiar from regular HTML browsers so users don't have tolearn anything new to begin using WAP services on their PDA's. It isavailable for SH3, ARM and MIPS cpu's. A free evaluation version can bedownloaded from the WinWAP website at http://www.winwap.org About Slob-Trot Software Oy AbSlob-Trot Software Oy Ab is a Finnish company that has developedsoftware for telecommunications, logistics and freight forwarding.WinWAP was first released late 1999 and became popular instantly. Asthe WAP hype has mostly been focused on the wireless devices Slob-TrotSoftware saw the need for a WAP reader for the Windows platformenabling the user to use WAP services on their desktop, laptop and PDAregardless if they are connected with a LAN or mobile phone. |